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Hvad gør jeg, hvis min ordre skal sendes til en anden leveringsadresse?

Leveringsadressen oprettes af vores interne salgsafdeling. Send venligst den ønskede leveringsadresse til shop-order@hiwin.de

Hvor kan jeg henvende mig, hvis jeg har tekniske spørgsmål om produkter?

Hvis du har spørgsmål om teknisk gennemførlighed, bedes du kontakte vores interne tekniske salgsteam direkte og sende en e-mail til info@hiwin.de

What do the individual characters of the order codes for ball screws mean?

The order codes are broken down and explained in the respective catalogue for the product category. Go to Downloads -> Service (https://www.hiwin.de/en/service/downloads) and select the catalogue for the desired product using the filter function. Here, you will find all information on the order code.

To the downloads

What do the individual characters of the order codes for linear guideways mean?

The order codes are broken down and explained in the respective catalogue for the product category. Go to Downloads -> Service (https://www.hiwin.de/en/service/downloads) and select the catalogue for the desired product using the filter function. Here, you will find all information on the order code.

To the downloads

How do I find the right product for my application?

Our sizing tool helps you to find the correct product for your application. You can access this tool under Service -> Sizing tool (https://www.hiwin.de/en/service/auslegungstool). For more information, see “How does the sizing tool work?”

To the sizing tool

How can I get technical support if I am not sure exactly what I need?

You can place an enquiry at any time, by e-mail to info@hiwin.de or by phoning us at +49 781 92378 0. We will arrange for the relevant person to contact you.

If you already have a personal contact in Distribution, you can contact them directly at any time.

Do you have a data protection policy?

You can find our data protection policy at https://www.hiwin.de/en/datenschutz

To the privacy policy

Hvordan får jeg fat i CAD-data?

Når du har registreret dig, kan du til enhver tid downloade de ønskede CAD-data direkte.


Du har forskellige muligheder for at få adgang til de CAD-data, du har brug for:

Enten kan du vælge det ønskede produkt via produktsøgeren og klikke på »CAD-data« på siden med produktoplysninger.

Eller konfigurer produktet efter dine behov i vores CAD-konfigurator under »Service« eller i vores produktkonfigurator under »Værktøjer«.

Til registreringen

Is there a charge for CAD data, and do I need to register?

Vi kan sende dig vores CAD-modeller gratis via e-mail efter anmodning.


Du har forskellige muligheder for at få adgang til de CAD-data, du har brug for:

Enten kan du vælge det ønskede produkt via produktsøgeren og klikke på »CAD-data« på siden med produktoplysninger.

Eller konfigurer produktet efter dine behov i vores CAD-konfigurator under »Service« eller i vores produktkonfigurator under »Værktøjer«.

To the CAD configurator

Har jeg ret til en garanti?

Vores garantiperiode er 12 måneder.

Hvad gør jeg, hvis hjemmesiden ikke fungerer korrekt?

Prøv venligst en anden browser. Hvis hjemmesiden stadig ikke virker, bedes du sende os en e-mail til shop-support@hiwin.de.

What is "My Projects"?

Designs, configurations or standard articles can be saved under “My projects”. By clicking the saved articles, you can place them in the shopping basket or continue the design or configuration process.

To my projects

Can projects be saved?

You can save designs or configurations under “My projects”.

To my projects

Can I change the language of the website?

The website is available in 7 languages. You can change the language by clicking the globe icon in the header of the website. An element for changing the language is displayed directly next to the shopping basket icon. Simply select the desired language.

How do I change my password?

Registered users can change their password under My Account. To do this, the current password and the new password must be entered and updated. Please note the minimum requirements for the password. These appear when you move your mouse over the ‘New password’ field.

To change the password

Hvor kan jeg henvende mig, hvis min adgangskode ikke kan nulstilles?

Send en e-mail til shop-support@hiwin.de.

How do I log in to the website?

You can log in directly with your user data via the Log in button (https://www.hiwin.de/en/login). Before logging in for the first time, you need to register; see "How do I register?" (https://www.hiwin.de/en/customer-registration).

To the registration

Hvor lang tid vil min aktivering tage, efter jeg har afsluttet min registrering?

Aktiveringen sker samme dag. Du får en besked fra os, når du kan bruge butikken fuldt ud.

How do I register on the website?

Before logging in for the first time, one-off registration is required. To do this, click the link “Now register” under ‘Log in” (https://www.hiwin.de/en/customer-registration). Complete the registration form and send it. You will then immediately receive a confirmation link by e-mail. Please confirm that your entries are correct after opening the link. Your data will then be sent to us. As a rule, your access will be enabled within the next 2 hours. You will be notified by e-mail when this has been done. From this point on, you can log in to the website and use all functions. Please contact shop-registry@hiwin.de if you do not receive e-mail confirmation or have problems registering.

To registration

Why haven’t I received a confirmation e-mail?

A confirmation e-mail is normally sent each time an order is successfully placed. If this is not the case, your e-mail address may have been saved incorrectly or the order may not have been placed correctly. If this happens, please contact our support team at shop-registry@hiwin.de

My e-mail address is already in use...

Perhaps you have already registered with your email address in our shop. If you have forgotten your password, simply click on ‘Forgotten password’. We will then send you a new password to the email address provided. If you continue to have problems, please contact our support team at shop-registry@hiwin.de.

Hvor kan jeg henvende mig, hvis jeg har spørgsmål til tilmeldingen/tilmeldingsprocessen?

Send en e-mail til shop-registry@hiwin.de.

What are the advantages of logging in?

Registered users can manage their own personal customer area and can also view prices and delivery times for the products. Configurations and designs as well as shopping baskets can be saved in the personal customer area.

To registration

Can I log in to the new web shop with my login data from the old web shop?

No. Our new web store has been online since December 2019. Unfortunately, you can no longer use the log-in data for the “old” web store. But you can re-register quite simply under https://www.hiwin.de/en/customer-registration, see also “How do I register on the website?“

To registration

What data concerning me is stored?

We only store the data you enter in the registration form. Further information can be found in our data protection policy https://www.hiwin.de/en/datenschutz

To registration

Hvad gør jeg, hvis mine medarbejdere har lov til at bruge webshoppen, men ikke må se nogen priser?

Der er en funktion som chefindkøber. Kun medarbejdere, der er udnævnt til chefindkøber, kan se priser.
Se også: FAQ »Hvad betyder funktionen ›Chief buyer‹?«

Why can't I log in even though I have registered?

You may only have registered for our old web store. Our new web store was launched in December 2019. Unfortunately, you can no longer use the data for the old web store here. You can re-register quite simply by following the link https://www.hiwin.de/en/customer-registration. For further information, also see “How do I register on the website?”

To registration

Can I re-order an article?

Registered users can view their previous orders in the personal customer area under “My orders” (https://www.hiwin.de/en/my-account/orders). Previously ordered articles can be conveniently placed in the shopping basket and ordered again. There is also a direct quick ordering function in the shopping basket.

To my orders

Can I order my configured CAD model via the online shop?

Configured products can be placed in your shopping basket and then ordered.

Kan jeg gemme en konfiguration og bestille den senere?

Registrerede og indloggede brugere kan enten gemme deres konfiguration under Mine projekter eller tilføje den til indkøbskurven. Konfigurationen gemmes der midlertidigt. Du kan derefter bestille konfigurationen på et senere tidspunkt.

To my projects

Preselection/non-modifiability of attributes through anchor element in the sizing tool

With the help of our sizing tools for linear guideways, linear axes and ball screws, you can calculate and select the right product for your desired application. The selected products must then be configured before ordering them. As a result of the technical calculation, it may no longer be possible to select specific properties/attributes in the configurator, as the product would then no longer be suitable for your application.

Can I download data sheets for my configuration?

At https://www.hiwin.de/de/service/cad-konfigurator the "Data sheet" button is available in the respective configurator. This data sheet contains the most important technical features and drawings for the individually configured product. This function for configured products is currently only available for the linear guideway product group. Other product groups will follow.

To the CAD configurator

How do I access my CAD model?

Vælg enten det ønskede produkt via produktguiden (https://www.hiwin.de/da/Produkte/c/3952) , og rekvirer de ønskede data på produktdetaljesiden "CAD-data". CAD-dataene sendes omgående via e-mail. Desuden kan konfiguratoren startes på Service -> CAD-Konfigurator (https://www.hiwin.de/da/service/cad-konfigurator) , og det ønskede produkt kan konfigureres, ligesom CAD-modellen derefter kan rekvireres på samme måde.

To the CAD configurator

Can I return an article?

Yes, articles can be returned. Before returning an article, please request a return number and enter it on the delivery note or on the outside of the package.

Which parcel service delivers the goods?

As standard, we normally dispatch all parcels with a weight of up to 30 kg with UPS, while all other parcels are delivered by a forwarding agency.

How are goods packaged?

Our goods are predominantly packaged in recycled cardboard boxes and PE film.

Is express delivery possible?

Yes, we offer express delivery. Please contact your HIWIN representative for details.

Can I specify a delivery time?

Yes, you can specify a delivery date or request express delivery at a specific time. Please contact your HIWIN representative for details.

Is overseas delivery possible?

Yes, overseas delivery is possible. Please select the desired delivery address during the ordering process.

Who bears the transport risk?

If goods are sent with our chosen forwarding agency, we bear the risk of transport. If you collect the goods yourself or commission your own forwarding agency, you bear the risk.

How high are the shipping costs?

Shipping costs depend on the size of the order and are displayed and calculated individually during the ordering process.

How much do repairs cost?

For repair inquiries, please e-mail us under reparatur@hiwin.de or contact us by phone under +49 781 932 78 32. If a repair no longer makes financial sense, we will work with you to develop a suitable solution.

How long do repairs take?

It goes without saying that quick servicing with a streamlined process is a top priority for us, for linear guideways, ballscrews or the electric drive technology product range. In the ballscrew product range, we offer the following additional services: With advance notice, repairs can be effected in 24 hours. Without prior notice, repairs usually take up to one week. If a repair no longer makes financial sense, we will work with you to develop a suitable solution. For repairs, e-mail us under reparatur@hiwin.de or contact us by phone under +49 781 932 78 32. You can find further information under https://www.hiwin.de/en/service/reparatur

How can I change my terms of delivery?

Our standard delivery condition is FCA. To request other delivery terms, please speak to your personal contact partner or contact our support team.

To my contact person

Where can I find the General Terms and Conditions?

You can find our GTC at https://www.hiwin.de/en/agb


How do I find the right contact partner?

Du kan søge efter din lokale kontaktperson eller forhandler under Kontakt.

Du kan også kontakte os på følgende måde:


Telefon: +49 781 93278-0

Mandag-torsdag kl. 8-12 og kl. 13-17

Fredag                kl. 8-12 og kl. 13-15


Send en e-mail:

Generelle forespørgsler til info@hiwin.de

Forespørgsler om linear akser til hx@hiwin.de

Forespørgsler om præcisionssystemer til precision@hiwin.de

Forespørgsler om reduktionsgear til datorker@hiwin.de


Du kan også til enhver tid kontakte os via vores chat.

Vi vil med glæde hjælpe dig.

To my contact person

How can I change my terms of payment?

Payment is effected by invoice, and these terms cannot be changed. Feel free to contact us by phone, e-mail or chat if you require further information.

What methods of payment are available?

Payment for orders placed in our online shop can be effected via invoice. We reserve the right to demand payment in advance in the case of a low credit rating.

Where can I find the current catalogue / assembly instructions?

Du kan finde vores kataloger og samlevejledninger i rækkevidden Downloads. Vælg »Katalog« eller »Samlevejledning«, og brug derefter filterfunktionen til venstre til at vælge produktgruppe. Du kan nu nemt downloade kataloget eller samlevejledningen for det ønskede produkt på det relevante sprog.

To the downloads

Hvordan kan jeg dele downloads med andre?

Vores dokumenter i området Downloads kan nemt deles med andre. For at gøre dette skal du vælge den ønskede downloadtype i afsnittet Downloads. Vælg derefter sproget for det ønskede dokument, og klik på delingssymbolet til højre. Enkod e-mailadressen og evt. en personlig tekst, og klik derefter på »Send«. 

Why do I need a project planning sheet?

You need to fill in a project planning sheet whenever you require a sizing or service life calculation from us. It serves as a checklist with which you describe your application for us in as much detail as possible.

Can I save a design?

You can save a design at any time via the “Save” button. When you click this button after opening a new design for the first time, your personal Sizing-ID is generated. You can use the ID to re-open your design and continue the process at a later date. In order to do this, however, you need to make a note of your Sizing-ID. As an additional advantage, registered users can save a design in their personal customer area under “My projects”. They can then re-open the calculation and continue the process later under "My account" -> "My projects" (https://www.hiwin.de/en/my-account/hiwinprojects).

To my projects

Can I size my configured product?

An individually configured product cannot be sized. The sizing tool merely serves to calculate a suitable product based on your application data. Configuration is carried out in the CAD configurator after selecting the appropriate standard product.

How can I share designs with others?

Every design is allocated a so-called Sizing-ID when it is saved for the first time. Making a note of and sharing this Sizing-ID allows you to open the design at a later date, in another browser or on a different PC. To do this, go to Service -> Sizing tools (https://www.hiwin.de/en/service/auslegungstool), enter the Sizing-ID in the first tile and click “Continue sizing”. Simultaneous editing of a design is not possible.

To the sizing tool

Do I need to install software in order to use the online tools?

No installation is required to use our online tools. A functioning internet connection is all you need to use all services.

To the sizing tool

How does the sizing tool for linear axes work?

You can access the HIWIN calculation tool for linear axes (single axes, double axes and cantilever axes) via Service -> Sizing tool (https://www.hiwin.de/en/service/auslegungstool). Simply click the corresponding tile Linear axes. You can then enter your known data for a required application in the sizing tool. Some information is required by the sizing tool (compulsory details) in order to calculate an appropriate linear axis. There are also optional fields and values which are automatically generated by the calculation tool, but can in some cases be adapted. These data and values are explained and listed in the sizing tool itself under the information button. When you have entered the relevant data, the HIWIN sizing tool calculates the appropriate product for your application. When you have completed the design process, you can configure this product according to your requirements in the HIWIN CAD configurator and place your order. You can also download a datasheet of your calculation in PDF format. If you have any doubts, we will of course be glad to assist you in person, over the phone, by e-mail or via live chat.

To the sizing tool

How do I apply for an advertised vacancy?

Please send applications, in PDF format only, to juelide.altan@hiwin.de. You can find further information under https://www.hiwin.de/en/karriere-uebersicht

To our job advertisements

Hvor kan jeg henvende mig, hvis jeg har spørgsmål til tilbuddet?

Send en e-mail til shop-quotation@hiwin.de

Where can I view the order status?

Du kan se afsluttede ordrer i dit personlige område under Mine ordrer. Der finder du også oplysninger om ordrestatus.

To my orders

Hvorfor kan jeg ikke se en leveringstid i indkøbskurven?

Kun registrerede og indloggede brugere kan se leveringstider. Hvis du har registreret dig og ikke kan se nogen leveringstider eller ikke ønsker at registrere dig, kan du kontakte os eller sende en e-mail til shop-registry@hiwin.de. Vi vender tilbage til dig så hurtigt som muligt. Hvis du endnu ikke er registreret, kan du til enhver tid gøre det her.

Til registreringen

Why can’t I see any prices?

Only registered users can view prices. If you have registered but still cannot see any prices, or if you do not wish to register, you can contact us or e-mail us at shop-registry@hiwin.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have not yet done so, you can register conveniently at any time under https://www.hiwin.de/en/customer-registration.

To registration

How do I calculate the delivery time?

The delivery time is the production time plus the actual delivery time of our shipping partner. The production time is displayed on the detailed product page and in the shopping basket. You will see the delivery time of our shipping partner after clicking the “Go to check-out” button and selecting the delivery address and mode of dispatch.

Can I order all products online?

All standard products can be ordered online. If you require a product which deviates from the standard, please contact our internal sales team or your personal contact in our Distribution department, and we will work out a solution with you.

To our products

Can I order online without registering?

Orders cannot be placed online without registering first. You can register and log in at any time under https://www.hiwin.de/en/customer-registration.

To registration

Can I order by phone, e-mail or fax?

You can order conveniently by e-mail or fax at any time.

Do I have to set up a user account to order goods?

Before you can order goods, you need to register as a customer under https://www.hiwin.de/en/customer-registration. To do this, click the link “Now register” under ‘Log in”. Complete the registration form and send it. You will then immediately receive a confirmation link by e-mail. Please confirm that your entries are correct after opening the link. Your data will then be sent to us. As a rule, we will enable your access within the next 24 hours. You will be notified by e-mail when this has been done. From this point on, you can log in to the website and use all functions.  Please contact shop-registry@hiwin.de if you have problems registering.

To registration

Får jeg de samme betingelser i webshoppen som ved et tilbud fra det interne salgsteam?

Ja, kontoen aktiveres af vores interne salgsteam. Dette forbinder dine betingelser med vores webshop, så du får de samme betingelser.

Is there a minimum value for orders?

There is no minimum order value in our web store.

Can I change or cancel an order I have placed?

It is not possible to change an order online. Please contact your HIWIN representative if required.

Can I have a quotation drawn up?

You can collect your articles directly in the shopping basket, where the sales price is displayed. If desired, you can also generate a quotation directly in PDF format from the shopping basket.

To the shopping cart

Hvad gør jeg i tilfælde af begrænset adgang/fejlmeddelelser i webshoppen?

Send en e-mail til shop-support@hiwin.de

Hvor kan jeg henvende mig, hvis jeg har spørgsmål eller oplysninger om min ordre?

Send en e-mail til shop-order@hiwin.de

How do I order a product online?

You can select the desired product using our product finder and either order it directly or adapt it to your requirements in the CAD configurator. (Configured) products can then be placed in your shopping basket. Registered users can place their orders via the shopping basket. Here, prices and delivery times are also shown again. During the ordering process, you will also be asked to enter the delivery address, select method of payment and delivery option. After successfully placing your order, you will receive an order confirmation via e-mail. You can view all orders in your personal customer area under “My orders”. And if you know the article number or order code from previous orders, you can use the convenient “Quick ordering” function to add a product to your shopping basket.

To our products