Gyártási hosszúságú sín, kérjük, vegye figyelembe az eltérő tűrési értékeket a táblázatban.
Méretek | |||
WR | Sínszélesség | 28 | mm |
HR | Sínmagasság | 28,35 | mm |
D | 14 | mm | |
h | 12,4 | mm | |
d | 9 | mm | |
P | Furatosztás | 80 | mm |
Lmax | Max. hossz (E1 = E2 = P/2) | 3920 | mm |
Lmin | Min. hossz | 98 | mm |
E1/2 min | 9 | mm | |
E1/2 max | 71 | mm | |
Súly | 5,1 | kg/m |
Méretek (sínek gyártói hosszúságban) | |||
L | Teljes hossz | 4.000 +20 | mm |
E1 | 20 ±0,5 | mm | |
E2 | 60 +20 | mm |
A HICOAT CZS olyan vékony rétegu horganybevonat, ami jó korrózióvédelmet ás jó kopásvédelmet biztosít még a sugarakban és az élekben is. A katódos védohatásnak köszönhetoen a kisebb csupasz helyek is védettek maradnak. Ez a bevonattal el nem látott alkatrészekkel ellentétben egyértelmuen hosszabb ideig használható. A CZS bevonat a HG, EG, és CG gyártási sorozatnál áll rendelkezésre. További információkat a "Profilsínvezetések" katalógus "HIWIN bevonatok a profilsínvezetésekhez” fejezetében találhat.
A HICOAT CTS olyan vékony rétegu krómbevonat, ami jó korrózióvédelmet ás jó kopásvédelmet biztosít. A kiváló kopásállóság a bevonat nagyon jó keménységébol következik. A CTS-bevonat Cr(VI)-mentes és élelmiszer-álló. A HG, EG, CG és WE gyártási sorozat áll rendelkezésre. További információkat a "Profilsínvezetések" katalógus "HIWIN bevonatok a profilsínvezetésekhez” fejezetében találhat.
Megnevezés | Kategória | Termék | Méret | Nyelv |
Linear guideways | Assembly Instructions | Linear guideways | 5 MB | |
Linear guideways | Project planning sheet | Linear guideways | 2 MB | |
Linear guideways | Catalogue | Linear guideways | 7 MB | |
CG linear guideways | Flyer | Linear guideways | 299 KB |
Principle of operation of a linear guideway
A linear guideway makes it possible to move in a linear motion with rolling elements. The use of balls and rolls between the rail and block in a linear guideway makes precise linear movements possible.
Displacement resistance depending on lubrication condition
The displacement resistance of a carriage depends on many factors, e.g. load, temperature, lubricant (grease, fluid grease, oil), lubricant quantity, travel speed, series, size or the sealing system. A concrete specification of the displacement resistance is therefore only possible with defined general conditions. An essential factor here is the lubricant and the lubrication condition. Especially in freshly lubricated condition, the displacement resistance is clearly increased. However, after a running-in period of 15 metres, the displacement resistance is reduced again by approx. 50%.
Machine blank of cover strip
In this video, we show you the precision with which we cut cover strips.
Mechanical or manual chamfering
In the following video, you can see how chamfering edges on linear guideways works both mechanically and manually.
Cover strip cut by machine vs. cut manually
In the following video you can see how to cut cover strips by machine or manually.
Long-time lubrication unit of a linear guideway
The long-time lubrication unit for linear guideways makes it possible to increase lubrication intervals many times over, thereby considerably reducing the number of maintenance intervals. If needed, up to two long-time lubrication unit can be installed per block.
Assembly and disassembly of cover caps
The cover caps are used to keep the mounting holes of the profile rails free of chips and dirt. In this video, we show you how to easily assemble and disassemble steel, brass or plastic cover caps.
Exchange of the cover strip – CG linear guideways with block
Easy installation, better protection against dirt ingress and wear of the end seals. With the HIWIN cover strip, you achieve longer lifetimes with shorter assembly times. Even with installed blocks, HIWIN linear guideways can be equipped with a cover strip or exchanged for a cover strip if necessary. We’ll show you how in this video.
Assembly and disassembly of the cover strip
Easy installation, better protection against dirt ingress and wear of the end seals. With the HIWIN cover strip, you achieve longer lifetimes with shorter assembly times. In this video, we show you how to easily assemble and disassemble the HIWIN cover strip.